Friday, September 4, 2020
Females According to Christina Rossetti and Mary Wollstonecraft Essay
Females According to Christina Rossetti and Mary Wollstonecraft Would could it be that isolates and hoists individuals from the remainder of the creature world? It is the capacity to consistently clarify an activity, choice, or conviction; it is the ability to reason. As Rousseau states, â€Å"Only reason shows us great from evil†(Wollstonecraft 238). As indicated by him, just as incalculable different erudite people of the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years, through the activity of reason men become good and political operators. Obviously, this Enlightenment hypothesis does exclude ladies. Rousseau announces his assessment of the female, â€Å"O how flawless is her ignorance!†(253) The lady is the man's dream, the man's understudy, the man's toy. Controlled, contained, and characterized by the man, the lady is substandard compared to him and in this manner, not human. Eighteenth century author and mother of female progressivism, Mary Wollstonecraft disproves this as far as anyone knows common condition of man being better than lady in her treatise, A Vindication of The Rights of Woman: It is joke to call any being prudent whose ethics try not to result from the activity of reason... This was Rousseau's assessment regarding men: I extend it to women....till the habits of the time are might be difficult to persuade [women]that the ill-conceived power, which they get, by corrupting themselves, is a revile, and that they should come back to nature and fairness ...(239) She announces the female to be similarly fit for reason as the male. All together for the female to perceive and use this ability, society's guys and females must adjust their biased meaning of the ladylike. Wollstonecraft tends to the fema... ...cquire ethics which they may call their own, for by what means can a levelheaded being be recognized by whatever isn't gotten by its own exertions?†(254) Indeed, it is just when the lady may call her expertise, her experience, or her fact, all got from reason, her own that she will be autonomous. As Rossetti states, â€Å"Only my mystery's mine...†(6). Furthermore, just when the cultural standards change, will the keeping of such a mystery be by decision and not need. Works Cited Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Women. The Longman Collection of British Literature. Vol 2A. Ed. David Damrosch. second ed. London: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, 2003. 227-255. Rossetti, Christina. â€Å"Winter: My Secret.†The Longman Anthology of British Writing. Vol. 2B. Ed. David Damrosch. second ed. London: Addison-Wesley Instructive Publishers, 2003. 1617.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Discuss what is mean by Universal Grammar. How does the process of Essay
Examine what is mean by Universal Grammar. How does the procedure of language securing give proof to Universal Grammar. give solid models. What ot - Essay Example Of course, the organization presently has a previous cutoff time than they had given me, regardless of them still not having given me the whole part, so I trust you're not late. Best, anon Trask (1995) introduced two sorts of proof on the side of Chomsky's hypothesis that the natural state of the human cerebrum during childbirth clarified language obtaining, a procedure that happens without exertion or immediate or circuitous educating in youngsters. In the first place, in spite of the distinctions in the encounters of kids inside and across societies, in hard of hearing and hearing kids, and in the individuals who are and are not intellectually impeded, similar stages in a similar request happen in procuring language. Second, on the side of the job of the human cerebrum during childbirth, there is proof that the individuals who have not been presented to a language past a basic period of 12 or 13 years have not had the option to gain proficiency with the standards of a language. Trask (1995) evaluated proof supporting all inclusive sentence structure, an expression portraying Chomsky's progressive hypothesis of psycholinguistics, i.e., there are phonetic universals (shared traits among all dialects), the human cerebrum is prepared during childbirth for the procurement of language, and therefore youngsters secure language without either immediate or roundabout guidance. ... over the historical backdrop of human presence, it is deceitful to portray the death of the Skinnerian operant-molding model (alluded to by Trask as the impersonation and support model,, p. 140) as happening not all that numerous years prior or, all the more significantly, as of late (p. 140). One could give pages of references to help acknowledgment of the short time course of Chomsky's upheaval, yet Pinker, himself a goliath in psycholinguistic hypothesis (Rondal, 1993), should get the job done (talk with, Rondal, 1993). Chomsky's hypothesis of language securing (starting in 1959, refered to in Pinker's meeting, Rondal, 1993) immediately consigned (strange in the sociologies) to a part throughout the entire existence of brain research the then-acknowledged Skinnerian operant-molding hypothesis that infants learn language by support of language impersonations. Since most people have watched infants and small kids, it is reasonable that social researchers, among others, would have perceived the fundamental accuracy of involving the mind during childbirth - by contrasting, for instance, their own battles in learning a subsequent language, regardless of whether in environmental factors where the subsequent language was spoken, without breaking a sweat with which youngsters get a first language, yet no sweat with which settler kids, contrasted with their folks, obtain a subsequent language. Understanding why the hypothesis that language created as a capacity just of experience was acknowledged in any case requires perceiving the virtual pulverization of trial brain research brought about by the earlier behaviorist insurgency - which for all intents and purposes prohibited even the idea of inborn manners (Watson, 1919, as refered to in Hunt and Ellis, 2004). Along these lines, one may consider Chomsky, not to limit his virtuoso, prepared in phonetics,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pressure Ulcers
Highlight Strategies to improve the counteraction of weight ulcers Judy Elliott portrays a venture that tried to improve tissue practicality during the patient excursion from admission to release Summary This article plots the activities taken by one intense trust to actualize proof based, best practice proposals for pressure ulcer anticipation. At first, an exploratory examination distinguished explicit zones for training improvement, especially improving early hazard appraisal, intercession and spotlight on heel ulcers.Further activities included selecting tissue suitability bolster laborers to advance a weight ulcer crusade. Commonness review results exhibited improved anticipation and diminished pervasiveness of clinic procured pressure ulcers by 6 percent and heel ulcers by 4. 9 percent. Further work is required to guarantee avoidance methodologies are steady and reported. Watchwords Best practice, proof base, pressure ulcer anticipation ( Institute for Innovation and Improvemen t 2009), along these lines it is critical to look for additional activities to dispose of avoidable weight ulcers from NHS care.Tissue harm A weight ulcer is characterized as (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) 2009): ‘†¦ confined injury to the skin as well as basic tissue as a rule over a hard unmistakable quality, because of weight, or weight in mix with shear. ‘ Healthy people are consistently moving and rearranging their body stance to forestall overabundance weight and shear powers. Decreased versatility or sensation intrudes on this common reaction, rendering an individual helpless against tissue damage.Eurther vulnerability is affected by a person's characteristic hazard factors reflected by their tissue resilience (Bonomini 2003). Singular hazard factors incorporate fixed status, malnourishment, subjective hindrance, intense and interminable ulness (National Institute for Health and CUnicad Excel lence (NICE) 2005). Weight ulcer counteraction includes the adjustment of a person's hazard factors by the entire multidiscipUnciry group (Gould et al 2000). Hazard evaluation Identification of helpless people can be challenging.Designated chance appraisal apparatuses have been found to need dependability and legitimacy with an inclination to overestimate chance (Pancorbo-Hidalgo et al 2006). The NICE (2005) rule stresses the significance of early evaluation, inside sbc hours, utilizing clinical judgment. Vanderwee et al (2007a) discovered skin examination progressively dependable contrasted and an appraisal device, with 50 percent less patients distinguished as requiring intercession cuid no huge distinction in persistent results. The skin ought to be evaluated for early indications of tissue harm, which November 2010 | Volume 22 | Number 9PRESSURE ULCERS have conceivably wrecking ramifications for patients, medical clinics and the overaU hecdth economy. An expected 5 to 10 percent of patients admitted to emergency clinic create pressure ulcers, bringing about expanded misery, grimness and mortaUty (Clark 2002, Redelings et al 2005) and exhausting NHS spending plans by 4 percent, or more than ? 2 billion ? mnually (Bennett et al 2004). Counteraction is a perplexing, multifactorial procedure and in spite of the fact that it is acknowledged that some weight ulcers are unavoidable, most are considered preventable.Acknowledging the trouble in building up national relative pervasiveness information in light of changes in technique and settings (Calianno 2007), a commonness of 21. 9 percent of patients influenced was accounted for in a pilot investigation of UK intense emergency clinics in 2001 (Clark et al 2004). Weight ulcer anticipation is a nursing quality pointer and high effect activity for nursing and birthing assistance (NHS NURSING OLDER PEOPLE Feature Figure 1 I Illustrations demonstrating an effectively fitting seat to guarantee adequate I pressure redis tribution and poor sitting stance 1.The patient ought to be situated with hips and knees at right edges, feet level on the floor and arms/shoulders bolstered. The patient's weight is uniformly dislodged through the feet, thighs and sacrum. 2. The seat is excessively low; the patient's upper legs are not upheld, and weight is expanded onto the rump prompting more serious danger of weight harm. incorporate recognizable discolouration and discernable tissue changes, for example, confined bogginess, warmth or cold (NICE 2005). Worldwide rules (EPUAP/NPUAP 2009) exhort an organized way to deal with chance evaluation utilizing a blend of each of the three techniques.Ecirly intercession Once chance is recognized quick activity is basic to limit danger of weight ulcer improvement. As proof is powerless for explicit intercessions various zones ought to be tended to, including ecirly inception of preventive activity, improving tissue resistance and shielding from the antagonistic impacts of w eight, contact and shear (Calianno 2007). Nourishment and tissue stacking are two regions of nursing impact. Systems to guarantee ideal sustenance ought to be utilized and the arrangement of oral nutritioneil supplements has been related with diminished tissue breakdown (Bourdel-Marchasson et al 2000).Tissue stacking might be tended to by manual and mechcinical repositioning, mobuisation and exercise. Methodologies to limit shear powers incorporate tending to pose, moving and taking care of procedures and utilization of electric profiling beds (Keogh and Dealey 2001). Situating and repositioning Research has not set up an optimeil recurrence of patient repositioning (Defloor et al 2005). Repositioning ought to be embraced on an individual premise in Une with continuous skin assessment, evading hard prominences (NICE 2005).The skin shoiUd be firmly checked to guarantee adequacy of the routine and further activities taken if ciny indications of tissue harm happen. November 2010 Volume 22 Number 9 A compliment position appropriates body weight all the more uniformly. Semi-Fowler (semi-prostrate) and inclined positions yield the most minimal interface pressures with sitting cind 90-degree side-lying the most noteworthy (Sewchuk et al 2006). Repositioning utilizing the 30-degree tuted side-lying position (then again right side, back, left side) or inclined position is exhorted (EPUAP/NPUAP 2009).The repositioning routine ought to be concurred with the patient and will expect adjustment to guarantee concordance with solace, side effects and ailment. Drawn out seat sitting is impUcated with more serious danger of weight ulcer advancement (Gebhardt and BUss 1994). Seat sitting ought to be Umited to under two hours at ciny one time for the intensely ul in danger singular (Clark 2009). An accurately fitting seat is imperative to guarantee sufflcient pressure redistribution (Figure 1).Poor sitting stance may cause back pelvic tilt (sacral sitting) or pelvic obUquity (sid e tUting onto one butt cheek), with the perfect seat permitting feet to sit level on the floor, with hips and knees at 90 degrees and arm/shoulders upheld (Beldon 2007). Bolster surfaces High detail froth sleeping cushions have exhibited improved execution in pressure ulcer anticipation (Defloor et al 2005), driving assessme Low hazard †¢ Use static froth bedding. †¢ Reassess if patient's condition changes. Medium hazard †¢ Use static froth bedding. †¢ Implement repositioning routine. Check skin at any rate every day. †¢ If any indications of weight harm demand dynamic (pneumatic bed. †¢ Reassess if patient's condition changes. High hazard (contraindicated if quiet gauges in excess of 39 stone (allude to rules), has a spinal physical issue (allude to injury and orthopedics) or temperamental break). †¢ Use dynamic (inflatable cushion. †¢ Implement repositioning routine. †¢ Check skin in any event every day. †¢ If any further indicatio ns of weight harm increment repositioning program. †¢ Reassess and venture down onto static sleeping pad as patient's condition improves.Remember to apply heel defender boots for patients in danger or with heel pressure ulcers. NURSING OLDER PEOPLE Feature to substitution of standard sleeping pads by most medical clinic trusts. There has additionally been significant interest in mechanical (dynamic) bolster surfaces, where air is siphoned through the sleeping pad by means of exchanging weight or low air misfortune. Be that as it may, the advantages of these gadgets stay indistinct as far as clinlccd and cost viability (Reddy et al 2006). Weight ulcer frequency paces of 5 to 11 percent have been accounted for in contemplates, with longer use related with more serious hazard (Theaker et al 2005).These gadgets ought to be viewed as m combination with other help surfaces as postponed or conflicting use may nullify the advantages. Various techniques various examinations have accompl ished good results utilizing different mediations. Models incorporate presenting a multidisciplinary working gathering, improving administration of weight soothing hardware, instructive projects and growing new rules (Gould et al 2000, Catania et al 2007, Dobbs et al 2007). Varieties in approach recommend the responsibility of professionals is indispensable to progress. For instance, a help surface . howed improved results just when utilized related to an instructive program for enlisted attendants (RNs) (Sewchuk et al 2006). Elements distinguished as blocking pressure ulcer counteraction incorporate absence of time, staffing levels and staff information (Moore and Price 2004, Pancorbo-Hidalgo et al 2006, Robinson and Mercer 2007). Aptitude blend may likewise impact results. Horn et al (2005) explored staffing levels in a nursing home and discovered less weight ulcers were related with more straightforward RN care for every inhabitant. heels' protocolj Apply heel defender boots to p atients at high danger of heel ulcers when on bed rest.Assessment measures incorporate restricted portability and: †¢ I Is understanding stationary, intensely calmed or oblivious? Would patient be able to lift their advantage in bed? Is there any proof of heel tissue breakdown, rankling or ulceration? Does the patient have diabetes, vascular or renal ailment? encounters featured the challeng
Preamble free essay sample
Business Manager The person who spending plans the associations cash. . Article VI: Governing Structure A panel included the associations officials, under the direction of the advisor(s), will hold the obligation of choosing the guidelines and guideline of the association. Segment 2 The democratic enrollment will choose each new individual from the board by greater part vote. Decisions will be held toward the beginning of every year to decide the officials for the whole school year. Area 3 Each official will be considered responsible to the reasons expressed in the introduction. In the event that an official neglects to play out his/her Job either by nonappearance, disposition, or activities esteemed wrong by the association guide or different officials, the board may, by a 3/4 sorority vote, calm him/her from obligations. In this occasion, another official will be casted a ballot in by a dominant part vote of the board. Segment 4 Each official will have one (1) vote in dynamic procedures. We will compose a custom paper test on Introduction or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In case of a tie, the board can require a repudiate, or if the gridlock can't be settled, the advisor(s) can cast a ballot to break the tie. VII Meetings will be held as arranged by the board. The part will hold gatherings just in places that are open and available to every one of its individuals. Segment 2 There will be in any event one gathering each month. Article VIII: Amendments Any extra alteration must be confirmed by a basic larger part of the democratic enrollment. Segment 2 All proposed changes to these part ordinances will be affirmed by the ACTS Adviser. Article X: Dissolution of ACTS by assent of the individuals will comprise of consistent understanding of every one of its officials along with a larger part vote at a gathering which has been announced ahead of time to all individuals from the association to take this vote. Area 2 If this association be broken down, its benefits and liabilities will be moved to USC ND will be directed by the USC Treasurer.
Friday, August 21, 2020
India`S Religion Essays (279 words) - Religion, Culture,
India'S Religion Religion in India Religion assumes a crucial job in the Indian lifestyle. Around 83 percent of the Indian individuals are Hindus, and around 11 percent are Muslims. The following biggest strict gatherings, arranged by size, are Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains. Strict laws of the Hindus and Muslim administer the individuals' dress, food, and marriage. They likewise firmly impact the kind of savagery among Hindus and Muslims that prompted the division of India into two countries, India and Pakistan. A large number of Indians have kicked the bucket in battling among Hindus and Muslims. The carnage despite everything happens now and again. Hinduism has around 453 million devotees in India. Hindus accept that every single living animal will have numerous lives on earth after they pass on. Hindus are partitioned into bunches based on social classes. India has around 3,000 of these gatherings. They are called ranks. Islam, the religion of the Muslims, has around 14 million adherents in India. Most Indian Muslims live in the northern piece of the nation. At the point when Pakistan turned out to be part India, around 6 million India Muslims moved to the new nation. Sikhism started as a development to consolidate Hinduism and Islam. Sikhs in India number around 10 million, most whom live in the northern piece of India. They are the main wheat ranchers. Sikhs structures one of the biggest Indian of the biggest Indian Army. Christianity has around 14 million devotees in India. Many live in the territory of Kerala, where they make up about a fifth of the populace. Buddhism is positioned as India's main religion in antiquated occasions. Today, the nation has around 4 million Buddhists in India. Religion Essays
Saturday, August 8, 2020
A Look At Stagecraft
A Look At Stagecraft [by Susan Shepherd 11] As some of you might already know, the MIT Shakespeare Ensembles production of A Midsummer Nights Dream opened last Thursday evening. Longtime Ensemble fans are used to brilliant performances, clever new interpretations, and a great deal of humor, and Midsummer Night does not disappoint. The play follows three story lines that frequently blend together and influence one another. First, there is the love plot of the nobles, which focuses on four young ladies and gentlemen who quickly get into trouble when they encounter the Fairy Folk. Next, there are the Mechanicals, a small, poorly equipped and ill-experienced acting troupe that just wants to perform at the Dukes upcoming wedding. Last, the story follows the activities of the Fairy Folk, whose leaders, Oberon and Titania, have gotten into a spat over a foundling. Titania wishes to raise the human boy up on her own, as best she can; Oberon is furious at her refusal to hand the child over. If you think this means the play is old and boring, think again. The Shakespeare Ensemble takes a text-based approach to Shakespeares plays, which means that they frequently come up with new interpretations that wouldnt seem apparent at first glance. Like axes. Here, Robin Puck, played by Sara Ferry 11, misunderstands one of Oberons orders. In addition, the words of the play havent been changed except for a few brief instances where the actors have added in-character lines. (These are extremely brief. For example, Im pretty sure the death scene in the Mechanicals play involved more repetitions of the word Die! than were strictly called for by the script. Im still citing it as an example of a change that was made.) But despite the fact that this play is a must-see for anyone 13 and older (its rated PG-13, and deserves it), thats not the only reason Im writing about it. Actually, Id like to talk about stagecraft using examples from Midsummer Night, and those examples wont make any sense at all unless you know a little about the basic plot. Stagecraft has to do with everything in a play excepting the actors. This means lights, music, costumes, props, and scenery. Done well, these things give the audience an easy way to tell when changes in time, location, and mood have taken place, or when an actor has switched characters. They also allow the characters to be divided more easily into their respective groups, whether those groups are noblemen versus yeomen versus fairies, pirates versus ninjas, or Hork-Bajir versus Andalites. In a really good play, like Midsummer Nights Dream, all these elements come together in such a way that the audience feels that it is immersed in the world of the play. For example, there is a palpable mood difference between these two scenes, even though nearly nothing but the lighting has changed. Theseus and Hippolyta, played by Zachary Tribbett 12 and Ginny Quaney 10. Here, the costumes help to define the characters. The Fairy Folk employ makeup and natural tones to identify themselves as a group. Their leaders Titania and Oberon stand out by virtue of their bright hair. From left to right, the Fairy Folk are played by Sarah Laderman 12, Lee Fuchs 12, Kellas Cameron 10, Grace Kane 11, Sara Ferry 11, Jessica Wooton 12, Ginger Yang 12, and Naomi Hinchen 11. Facepaint helps to distinguish the Fairy Folk from other characters. The noblemen and Mechanicals, by contrast, wear clothing more suited to their position in society. They also carry props that suit their personalities. The Mechanicals, played by Ned Carpenter 10, Brianna Conrad 11 (not shown), Naomi Hinchen 11, Lee Fuchs 12, Sarah Laderman 12, and Jessica Wooton 12, are equipped with playing cards, a bottle of wine, and workmens clothing. The Royals and Lovers, played by Zachary Tribbett 12, Ginny Quaney 10, Christopher Smith 11, Rachel Williams 12, Stephen Goodman 12, Bianca Farrell 11, and Steven Pennybaker 12, are not always so dignified as their titles would suggest. As you can imagine, stagecraft entails a lot of hard work and extensive knowledge of the action in the playwhat is going on, who is doing it, and where its happening. The best way to gain this experience is through first-hand training, of course, and MIT students who take an interest in the subject will discover early on that there are a fair number of ways to get that experience. Twice a year, MIT offers Introduction to Stagecraft, whose title says it all. This class covers most of the basics. One student who took this class, Naomi 12, said, We did a little bit of everythingeveryone made pats in the costume shop and built a widget in the set shop, and then we did one or two lessons each on lighting, scene painting, stage managing, sound, and makeup. The final project had to be either a set piece or a costume piece, and most of the work on that was done outside of class hours. Another class, Foundations of Theater Practice, covers stagecraft as a somewhat briefer part of a curriculum that also includes acting and directing. For students with some experience under their belts, there are classes such as Costume Design for the Theater, Lighting Design for the Theater, and Technical Design: Scenery, Mechanisms, and Special Effects. (There are other classes available as well, including specialized ones where you can learn how to make chainmail costumes, but youll probably benefit more from browsing the selections yourself here.) So whether youre interested in designing costumes, collecting props, or taking charge of the lights and sound effects, MIT has something for you. The Shakespeare Ensemble and other acting groups are always looking for new talent, so I hope to see you on the stageor as one of the masterminds behind itin a performance to come.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Beginning of Omaxe Ltd. - Free Essay Example
The beginnings Incorporated as Omaxe Builders Private Limited in 1989, to undertake construction contracting business, the company changed its constitution to a limited company known as Omaxe Construction Ltd. , in 1999. The name of the company has now changed to Omaxe Ltd in 2006. [pic] Omaxe was founded by Shri. Rohtas Goel, a first generation entrepreneur, a civil engineer by qualification and a visionary. With over two decades of experience in construction and real estate development, Rohtas Goel, as Chairman Managing Director of Omaxe Ltd. has been at the forefront of the real estate industry, following its motto â€Å"Turning Dreams into Realty†through building world class residential and commercial projects. As a civil construction and contracting company, Omaxe successfully executed more than one hundred and twenty industrial, institutional, commercial and residential projects for a number of prestigious Indian private, public sector and Multinationals clients such as Amity University, LG, Pepsi, Samsung, Wave Cinemas, National Brain Research Centre, P. G. I. M. E. R, Apollo Hospitals and Delhi High Court. To capture the opportunities offered by the growing real estate market in India, Omaxe entered the real estate development business in 2001. Today and Tomorrow In the span of a few years, Omaxe Ltd. has experienced exponential growth and success, crowned by its landmark IPO oversubscribed by 68 times in 2007, and is now amongst the largest public-listed real estate development companies in India. The company has completed and delivered 17 projects across India, covering sprawling 10. 8 million sq ft of total area, consisting of 9 Group Housing projects, 2 integrated townships and 6 commercial projects. The company currently has 53 projects under execution and planning. Among these are 21 Group Housing projects, 21 Integrated Townships including a Hi-Tech City, 9 shopping malls and commercial complexes and 2 Hotel projects. These 53 projects are located in 38 towns in 10 states in northern, central and southern India. Besides, there are 8 o ngoing infrastructure contracting projects. To undertake such expansion, Omaxe Ltd. oday, is backed by a professional and competent Team Omaxe: a constantly growing workforce of currently over thirteen hundred professionals, including highly-qualified engineers, architects, Chartered Accountants, MBA’s, etc. With high standards in line with Mr. Goel’s vision and ambitions, Team Omaxe makes Omaxe Ltd. a strong, structured and high-growth ISO-certified company with a bright future. Taking forward our vision to provide an environment of professionalism, competence, teamwork and service excellence, Omaxe is working towards benchmarking our HR policies with the best employers and international standards. Thanks to its strong experience in construction, Omaxe’s uniqueness also lies in the fact that the company doesnt give its projects on sub contract: while assuring timely completion, this also allows keeping pace with the progress in construction technology, helping to give clients â€Å"value for money†. Today, OMAXE enjoys a reputation of being one of Indias leading real estate developers with an indelible focus on customer satisfaction. Omaxe has adopted quality system standards that integrate technological and design innovations with a strong technical base to provide state-of-the-art real estate options. Omaxe has also been the first to: †¢ offer Penalty Clause †¢ introduce Sample Flats concept †¢ offer ready-to-move-in homes Besides this, Omaxe is the first to have created and implemented the concept of Eco Friendly City, integrating Environment Protection Measures in all projects, with a defined implementation process. For Omaxe, environment protection and innovative architecture and practices are the standards of today and tomorrow’s in real estate development. Achievements Awards Omaxe was the first Construction Company of northern India to receive an ISO 9001:2000 Certification. Omaxe has received a number of awards from the industry as recognition of its continued commitment and efforts towards achieving excellence in concept and construction quality. ‘Svedala’, ‘Udyog Ratna, ‘Pride of the Country, ‘Arya Vaidya Sala ‘Industrial Award are some of the many prestigious awards that have honored Omaxe in the past years. | | | | | | | | Vision†: †¢ Commitment towards Quality, Integrity and Value Creation for all stakeholders / customers. †¢ Implement Best Business Practices that goes beyond customer expectations. †¢ Establish new benchmarks for the industry by besting existing standards. †¢ Deliver high quality Residential and Commercial projects that correlate with Global Developers. †¢ Lead the real estate industry with high caliber, efficient manpower and cutting edge technology. †¢ To ensure continuous delight for our customers and stakeholders by always staying a step ahead of the cu rve. Accelerate the limits of excellence through path breaking innovation and professionalism. OUR MISSION †¢ To create a progressive organization that can boast of International Standards in Integrity, Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Transparency. †¢ To create a culture of professionalism, core competence, teamwork, leadership and service excellence. †¢ To conceive and deliver quality that conforms to the best practices of Eco – Friendly development. †¢ To leverage modern cost effective techniques resulting in quality, durability, wealth creation and value multiplication CODE OF Business conduct and ethics Philosophy The Company is committed to the adoption of best corporate governance practices which ensure accountability of management and maximisation of stakeholders value. We shall strive to put in place process, system, control and governance structures for protecting and furthering the interest of our stakeholders. |National Interest | |The Company shall be committed in all its actions to benefit the economic development of the country and work towards making | |India a developed nation. It shall not undertake any project or activity to the detriment of the national interest or those that| |will have any adverse impact on the social and cultural life. The Company shall conduct its business affairs in accordance with | |the economic development, foreign policies, objectives and priorities of the nation and shall strive to make a positive | |contribution to the achievement of such goals at the regional, national and international levels. |Stakeholders | |The Board of Directors of the Company shall duly and fairly inform its stakeholders about all relevant aspects of the Companys | |business, and disclose such information in accordance with the respective regulations and agreements. | |People | |We believe in line of our HR Philosophy to uphold the values which are at the core of our business ethics, honesty, integrity, | |team work, objectivity, self respect and human dignity. We believe in fair trustworthy relationships. | |Equal-Opportunities | |The Company shall provide equal opportunities to all its employees and all qualified applicants for employment, without regard | |to their race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, sex, age, nationality, disability and veteran status. | |Employees of the Company shall be treated with dignity and in accordance with the Company’s policy. |Employee policies and practices shall be administered in a manner that ensures in all matters equal opportunity is provided to | |those eligible and the decisions are merit-based. | |As a good corporate citizen, OMAXE Limited is committed to a gender friendly workplace. This is in order to enhance equal | |opportunities for men and women; to prevent/stop/redress sexual harassment at the workplace and to guarantee good employment | |practices. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour such as: unwelcome physical contact; a demand or | |request for sexual favour; sexually colored remarks; showing pornography and any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal | |conduct of a sexual nature. The Company maintains an open door for reporters; encourages employees to report any harassment | |concerns and is responsive to employee complaints about harassment or other unwelcome and offensive conduct. |Elimination of Child Labour | |It is the Company’s policy not to support child labour. The Company is committed to implement the provisions of the Child Labour| |(Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. The Company is aware of social reality of the existence of child labour and recognises | |that this evil cannot be eradicated by simply setting up rules or inspections. Towards this end, the Company is committed to | |work in a pro-active manner to eradicate child labour by actively contributing to the improvement of children’s social | |situation. | |Safety, Health and Environment | |The Company attaches great importance to a healthy environment and to the safety of its employees. The Company shall be | |committed to prevent the wasteful se of natural resources and minimise any hazardous impact on environment. | |Ethical Conduct | |Every employee of the Company, which shall include a whole-time director and the managing director shall deal on behalf of the | |company with professionalism, honesty and integrity, as well as high morale and ethical standards. Such conduct shall be fair | |and transparent and be perceived to be as such by third parties. |Transparency and Accountability | |All Company employees shall ensure that their actions in the conduct of business are totally transparent except where the need | |of business security dictat es otherwise. Such transparency shall be brought through appropriate policies, systems and processes,| |including appropriate involvement of more than one manager in recording decision logic and maintaining supporting records. All | |managers shall voluntarily ensure that their areas of operation are open to audit and the conduct of their activities are | |totally auditable. | |Conflict of Interest | |All Company employees must avoid situations in which their personal interest could be in conflict with the interest of the | |Company. The guiding principle is that any conflict or potential conflict must be disclosed to higher management for guidance | |and appropriate action | |Gifts and Donations | |The Company and its employees shall neither receive nor offer or make, directly or indirectly, any illegal payments, | |remuneration or comparable benefits which are intended to or perceived to obtain business or uncompetitive favours for the | |conduct of its business, however, the company and its employees may accept and offer nominal gifts which are customarily given | |and are of commemorative nature for special events. | |The Company and its employees shall not offer or give any Company’s fund or property as donation to any government agency or | |their representatives, directly or through intermediaries, in order to obtain any favourable performance of official duties. |Financial Reporting and Records | |The Company shall prepare and maintain its accounts truly and fairly in accordance with the account ing and financial reporting | |standards which represent the generally accepted guidelines, principles, laws and regulations of the country in which the | |Company conducts its business affairs. | |Internal accounting and audit procedures shall fairly and accurately reflect all of the Companys business transactions and | |disposition of assets. All required information shall be accessible to Company’s auditors and other authorised parties and | |government agencies. There shall be no willful omissions of any company transactions from the books and records. |Any willful material misrepresentation of and/or misinformation on the financial accounts and reports shall be regarded as a | |violation of this code, apart from inviting appropriate civil or criminal action under the relevant laws. | |Regulatory Compliance | |Every employee of the Company shall, in his or her business conduct, comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both in | |letter and in spirit, in all the te rritories in which he or she operates. If the ethical and professional standards set out in | |the applicable laws and regulations are below that of the code, then the standards of the code shall prevail. |Protecting Company’s Assets | |The assets of the Company should not be misused but employed for the purpose of conducting the business for which they are | |procured. These include tangible assets such as equipment and machinery, systems, facilities, materials, resources as well as | |intangible assets such as proprietary information, relationship with customers and suppliers, etc. | |Selecting Suppliers | |The Company’s suppliers make significant contributions to our success. To create an environment where our suppliers have an | |incentive to work with the Company, they must be confident that they will be treated awfully and in an ethical manner. | |Selection of suppliers is to be made on the basis of merit, price, quality and performance. The Company’s poli cy is to select | |significant suppliers or enter into significant supplier agreements through a competitive bid process where ever possible. Under| |no circumstances should any Company employee, agent or contractor attempt to coerce suppliers in any way. The confidential | |information of a supplier is entitled to the same protection as that of any other third party . | |Competition | |The Company shall compete only in an ethical and legitimate manner. It prohibits all actions that are anti-competitive or | |otherwise contrary to laws that govern competitive practices in the market place. | |Intellectual Property Policy | |We have an utmost obligation to ourselves to identify and protect the intellectual properties, trade secrets and other | |confidential information owned by the Company and it’s clients or associates because it is critical to our success. By | |â€Å"Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)†, we mean generally patented or potentially patentable inventions, trademarks, service | |marks, trade names, copyrightable subject matter and trade secrets. |We have an obligation to protect the Company’s IPR and Client IPR at all times. | |Political Non-Alignment | |The Company shall not support, directly or indirectly, any specific political party or candidate for political office. The | |Company shall not offer or give any Company’s fund or property as donation, directly or indirectly, to any specifi c political | |party, candidate or campaign. | |Public Representation of the Company | |The Company honours the information requirement of the public and its stakeholders. In all its public appearance with respect to| |disclosing Company and business information to public constituencies such as the media, the financial community, employees and | |stakeholders, the Company shall be represented only by specifically authorised directors and employees. It will be the sole | |responsibility of these authorised representatives to disclose information to the concerned public. | |Confidential Information/Publicity | |No employee shall disclose or use any confidential information gained in the course of employment with the Company for personal | |profit or for the advantage of any other person. No employee shall provide any information either formally or informally to the | |press or to any other publicity media unless specifically authorised to do so. |Disciplinary Actions | |The Company will take appropriate action against any employee, agent, contractor or consultant whose actions are found to | |violate these policies or any other policy of the Company. Di sciplinary actions may include immediate suspension/ termination of| |employment or business relationship at the Company’s sole discretion. Where the Company has suffered a loss, it may pursue its | |remedies against the individuals or entities responsible. Where laws have been violated, the Company will cooperate fully with | |the appropriate authorities. | |Every employee shall be responsible for the implementation of and compliance with this code in his professional environment. | |Failure to adhere to the code could attract the most severe consequences, including termination of employment. |Every employee of the Company shall promptly report to the management any actual or possible violation of this code, or an event| |he or she becomes aware of that could affect the business or reputation of his/her or any other group Company. | |Accountability | |The Board of Directors (BOD) shall oversee the Company’s adherence to ethical and legal standards. All employees and t he members| |of the BOD shall undertake to stop or prevent actions that could harm customers, the system or reputation of the Company. | | | | | [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pi
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Unity Of The American Culture Essay - 2018 Words
Unity in the American Culture Author, J.K. Rowling wrote in her novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, â€Å"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided (Unity). In times of great struggle, people can come together and are able to achieve success, despite the terrible odds that may be against them. The United States has faced adversities as a country, being victorious because of the strength the American people found in coming together. American Poet, Walt Whitman captures the strength in the unity of the American people. Through Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself,†he demonstrates the value of unity in the American culture. He celebrates the individuals who make up the United States, whether they are the common worker or the very rich. †Song of Myself†invites readers to see the hope and praise he had for all people in the American Culture. Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†shows the unity of people found in the culture of the American peopl e. The United States has been a beacon of taking in people of all lifestyles to give them freedom. This freedom is offered in looking at the people coming into this country as people who have value to contribute and be a part of the American culture. Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†plays the role of uniting the individuals he celebrates throughout his poem. Walt Whitman appealed to the need of having an American literature that had not been built before in representing all of the American people. As in Ted GenowaysShow MoreRelatedEssay on Colonial Unity DBQ966 Words  | 4 PagesMany colonists held a stronger loyalty to their American Colonies than to England by the eve of the Revolution. The battles and trials that they endured gave them an identity and a unity, they had survived through many hardships and any group that does that had some sort of bond. The unique combining of cultures, geography, and the many political ordeals that American colonists had endured provided them with a sense of identity and unity. Read MoreFriday Night Lights, By Steven Hilliard Stern1409 Words  | 6 PagesLights, H.G. Bissinger depicts the culture of a small town called Odessa where economic instability, racial prejudice, sexism, and poverty are common. The one thing this town can truly hang onto is the local high school football team. In Miracle on Ice, directed by Steven Hilliard Stern, the head coach of the American Olympic Hockey Team Herb Brooks is determined to gather up an American team to beat the Russians in their own game, ice hockey. In both works, unity is an important theme that is reachedRead MoreA Better Option Cultural Unity Essay1244 Words  | 5 Pages A Better Option Cultural Unity Throughout human history, humankind always seeks a way to get together with others in order to enhance the total power to solve its problems. Its problems were sometimes to build a home in a cave, sometimes to hunt an animal or gather some foods, and sometimes protect its land from enemies. These problems are still the main problems of humankind today. People still tend to come together or united to solve their problems because unity always makes more sense than anRead MoreDbq on American Identity871 Words  | 4 PagesWithin the time frame from 1750 to 1781, historical evidence, as well as many documents, suggests that although the colonists at this time had developed a strong sense of unity, they had a weaker sense of identity. Leading up to the eve of revolution, the colonists had began developing bonds among them through unified acts against English taxes, the stamp act congress, and Townshend acts; also, organizations such as the sons and daughters of liberty had emerged. The colonists began to realize thatRead MoreEssay about English Must be the Official Language in America994 Words  | 4 Pagescome to the United States and maintain the lifestyle and cultures they had lived by in their country of origin. These immigrants are taking advantage of this system, which for them is the American dream. They don’t realize that in the United States one is basically required to adapt to this culture to succeed in that dream. They also don’t realize that the diversity that they are causing is hurting the United States in its mission for unity. A country is at its fullest strength when it is a nationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Declaration Of Independance, Ain t I A Woman, And Letters From Birmingham Jail1153 Words  | 5 Pagesinteresting things about a culture is the voice of the people. In the United States, the American Voice is the combined voices of the people who live in America and the mixing of thousands of different perspectives and ideas. The natural mixing of American culture leads to change whether for better or for worse, as time goes on, so does America and the American people. American literature commonly has strong themes of unity and equality. The clearest way to see the voice of a culture is through its literatureRead MoreAfrican American Ideas of the Past in Contemporary Pieces848 Words  | 3 PagesAfrican Americans continues to be content with the accomplishments’ of our ancestors, instead of becoming more aware of our heritage and culture in order to understand the present. Renà ©e Stoutâ⠂¬â„¢s art develop from Black movements such as Garveyism and the Pan-Africanism movements that aimed to instill racial pride and racial unity. Just as these movements made Blacks around the Diaspora aware of the conditions of other Blacks, Stout’s exhibit, Tales of the Conjure Woman, unveil the oppressed culture ofRead More KWANZAA: Rediscovering our African Culture Essay1703 Words  | 7 PagesRediscovering our African Culture Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, his family and Friends. Dr. Karenga, a professor of African-American History at CSU, Long Beach, was effected by the Watts Riots of the summer of 1965. He felt that African-Americans had lost touch with their African heritage. He began to study ways that they could help themselves and each other. Dr. Karenga wanted to unify his people and instill a pride in their joint culture. He felt that there shouldRead MoreDiffering Perceptions of Unity and Civility among Native Americans and the Whites701 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Differing Perceptions of Unity and Civility For hundreds of years, Native Americans have been persecuted by outsiders who invaded their lives and territories and subsequently robbed them of their lives. Through various readings from Tecumseh, Benjamin Franklin, and Andrew Jackson one can see how perception greatly affects interactions between Native Americans, interactions between whites, and interactions between Native Americans and whites. It is interesting to see how these different writersRead MoreEssay on Radio Creating a Shared Culture856 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the world was still dominated by a purely oral culture, the term shared culture was not even a possibility. The switch to literate culture and the invention of writing was the gateway to the beginning of a shared culture as it allowed ideas to travel without the boundaries of location that were previously in place. The notion of having a shared culture only further increased with the introduction of the telegraph and telephone as it allowed for not only the s haring of ideas with people over
Monday, May 18, 2020
Racism in College Football - 3444 Words
Integration in Ole Miss Football Today, African American athletes play a strong and predominant role in the football program at the university however, this was not always the case. Less than fifty years ago, the Ole Miss football program was just as segregated as it had been in its early days. As a whole, the Southeastern Conference of the NCAA was the last to instrgarate black athletes with the current white ones (Paul 297, 284). Of the ten teams in the conference at the time, the University of Mississippi was the last to integrate (Paul 287). This integration of the team took place ten years after the University itself was integrated. Not only did the school refuse to integrate until years after other teams had already done so but,†¦show more content†¦The Ole Miss football program faced a set back in its integration process as a result of its long standing racial mentality and the repercussions of the integration of the university itself however, once the team was integr ated, a smooth transition was made. Of the multitude of reasons that exists why the Ole Miss football program was so delayed in its integration process comes the necessary role the football program played in keeping the university open during the integration of the university itself. As the entire university went into turmoil, the football program stood strong. During the 1962 season, which was played parallel with Meredith’s appearance on campus, the team went undefeated and still is considered one of the greatest teams since. In his essay explaining the parallel between the integration of Ole Miss and the ’62 team, Wright Thompson states, â€Å"The 1962 Ole Miss football team fascinated me. That year, perhaps because of the school’s near self-destruction over integration, or perhaps in spite of it, the team managed the most remarkable season seen in Oxford before or since†(1). This strong and winning team, lead by coach Henry Vaught, kept the universit y running when it looked as though it would implode on itself. Many turned to the idols of the campus, the football players, to keepShow MoreRelatedRacial Integration in College Football in the 1950s1366 Words  | 6 Pagesbarriers. One area of the color barrier in America that African-Americans were starting to break down was the one placed on football. African-American football players in the 1950s had to endure a strong amount of racial discrimination, however their integration onto predominately white college football teams helped lead to desegregation American society. To begin with, football was far more different than it is played today. For example, â€Å"all players were on both offense and defense line-ups. If heRead MoreAfrican Americans : The Treatment Of Minority Athletes1433 Words  | 6 Pages A synopsis of racism in American Sports The treatment of minority athletes, particularly African Americans has been a grave issue in American sports for decades. More than fifty years ago, to be a colored person playing a so- called â€Å"white sport,†meant that it was an unfortunate fact that inequality, prejudices and racial discrimination came along with that territory, and it is also an unfortunate fact that some of those racial tensions are yet in full, modernized effect today. African- AmericanRead MoreGlory Road Vs Remember The Titans1344 Words  | 6 PagesGage Vanourney Mr.Mangano Intro to College Writing 10/10/2017 Glory Road vs Remember the Titans The movie â€Å"Glory Road,†is the stereotypical disney sports movie. The movie is about a college basketball team that had recruited more black than white players, the team was not supposed to win many games but they quickly went right past their expectations, and went all the way to being the best team in college. The movie is based on a basketball team in 1966. Texas Western won the NCAA basketballRead MoreAnalysis of Friday Night Lights966 Words  | 4 Pagesof how football envelops the live of everyone in the Texas town of Odessa. While it does use football as a main theme, I dont believe it is a book mainly about sports. The story is mostly about the people in a town that has nothing to look forward to except football. The story chronicles the lives of a few players and their parents. The author describes their background, characteristics, and reactions to football and life in general in Odessa. The story seemingly focuses on football becauseRead MoreFences Racism Essay1734 Words  | 7 Pagesto understand how racism affected the black people of the era and how that affected the way they were to others. In the early 1900s, racism was prominent and wasnt sugarcoated at all. Negros had to deal with several obstacles around this period because of discrimination in certain activities they wanted to participate in. These actions effected many negros because it forced some of them to look at the world with hatred and it limited many of their opportunities in life. Racism is sad reality thatRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play Fences By August Wilson1657 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationship problems where Bono is being accused of cheating with his best friend’s wife. Cory who is the son of troy and Rosie is an African American Football player but always wanted to play for the Major League in baseball. Cory is getting highly recruited by North Carolina to play college football, which made him give up his job because of the football recruitme nt. This play has a lot of points that are presented to the readers’ to be able to understand what is going on in the play. These charactersRead MoreDo Professional Athletes, Today s Society, Deal With Racial Inequalities And Oppression? Essay1555 Words  | 7 Pagesissues, such as diversity, oppression (though racism and sexism), and cultural differences, it would expand America’s way of thinking, making it easier to grow as a society and as a nation. My research question is â€Å"Do professional athletes, in today’s society, deal with racial inequalities and oppression?†. It’s difficult to be a black male athlete in America because of certain inequalities that limit their abilities. â€Å"Sports: Social Inclusion or Racism and Xenophobia?†, written by Nikolaos PatsantarasRead MoreDiscrimination In The Movie, The Blind Side, By Michael Oher897 Words  | 4 Pages unlike Michael, so it was an adjustment for both the family and him to live together. However, the family was very warm and welcoming to Michael, which differed from many of the other people Michael encountered. In the movie, Michael experienced racism, discrimination, and prejudice towards him from a variety of people. Michael lived in a bad area when he was a young boy. This caused him to change schools a lot, as well as not attending school at all for a seven month period. Due to his hard lifeRead MoreA Brief Biography of Jackie Robinson673 Words  | 3 Pagesdiscrimination and racism from neighbors all around. From a humble beginning, Jackie was an outstanding athlete.( Jackie was promoted from Washington Junior High. Later, he entered John Muir High School after his junior high career. Recognizing his athletic ability, Robinsons older brothers inspired Jackie to pursue sports.( Robinson attended Pasadena Junior College after high school. That is where he continued his athletic career. He played on the football team, baseballRead MoreThe Problem Of Racism Is Not Specifically An American Problem1593 Words  | 7 Pages Racism in Sports Luke Hampton Truman State University 7/31/2016 The problem of racism is not specifically an American problem, though Americans have made it into an important political and social issue as they have tried to find a way to eliminate racism from their society. Racism occurs whenever there is a dominant racial group that uses its position to discriminate against a minority racial group on the basis of racial characteristics. Traditionally, discrimination has been seen as a creature
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) - 999 Words
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) signifies a major public health problem. Diagnoses continue to rise each year, yet the rates of treated ADHD are declining. There is a lot of controversy about treatments for ADHD today. Helpful treatment options like medications and therapies are receiving negative views with many saying that treatment is not necessary or the negatives outweigh the benefits. Those against treatment cite problems like substance abuse and negative side effects. However, ADHD greatly impacts a person’s life, as well as everyone in that person’s life. Treatments help tremendously, relieving many of the symptoms and improving functioning capabilities. Despite the negativity recently about treatments for ADHD, treatments are necessary. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral and mental disorder in children. Recent data shows that approximately 9% of all children ages four to seventeen are currently dia gnosed with ADHD. A review of 102 studies showed that ADHD have a worldwide prevalence of 5.29%, meaning ADHD is a very widespread disease affecting many people across the country. Recently, many people are questioning the validity of an ADHD diagnosis. Critics think it is over-diagnosed and â€Å"children are receiving unnecessary and inappropriate treatment†(McLeod et al. 1). Since there are no tests that diagnose ADHD without a doubt, people are wondering if maybe this disorder is being blown out ofShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1710 Words  | 7 Pages Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD which is often referred to as childhood hyperactivity, it s a severe and chronic disorder for children. It is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders, and affects 3% to 5% of the school-age population. Boys outnumber girls three or more to one. Children with ADHD can experience many behavioral difficulties that often manifest in the form of inattention, being easily distracted, being impulsive, and hyperactivity. As a result, children withRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1744 Words  | 7 PagesI chose to research Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, in culture and child development for the following reasons. First, it is important as educators that we understand the difference between restlessness and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. Secondly, we must be conscious of the origins of ADHD, how to recognize it, the myths and prejudices against it, and kn ow the most appropriate intervention strategies. Educators must also realize that evenRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1495 Words  | 6 Pagesoccasionally forget to do their homework, get fidgety when they lose interest in an activity, or speak out of turn during class time. But inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are all signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neuro-development disorder and can start as early as three years old throughout adulthood. People with ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks and activities, this can have a negative impact on the individual in different ways. It can make the child feelRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1699 Words  | 7 Pageshas had some difficulty sitting still, paying attention and even controlling impulsive behavior once or twice in our life. For some people, however, the problems that occur slim to none in our life occurs in the lives of theirs every day and interfere with every aspect of their life inclusive of home, academic, social and work. . The interaction of core ADHD symptoms with co-morbid problems and neuropsychological deï ¬ cits suggests that individuals with ADHD are likely to experience problems in academicRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)1259 Words  | 5 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly found disorder in children in the United States. Statistics show that the male to female ratio for children with ADHD is eight to one. 4.4 million Children between the ages four to seventeen have diagnosed with ADHD (Cheng Tina L et al.). African American children are at a higher risk for having ADHD. Caucasian children are least likely to have ADHD. 2.5 million children receive medication for ADHD, but African American childrenRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1002 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract There are many disorders that are first diagnosed whether it is during infancy, childhood or adolescence. The disorders range from intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, communication disorders, all the way through to elimination disorders. Attention-deficit and disruptive disorders are the most common. All including AD/HD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and unspecified disruptive disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most commonRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1058 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (or ADHD/ADD.) While much is known about these disorders and how they affect the education of children, there are only a few known methods that consistently help an affected child focus and target in on what they need to learn. Medication for children With Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder must be used as an aid to help the affected child to focus and comprehend information being presented to them. Children with Attention DeficitRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )978 Words  | 4 Pagesin diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children since the 21st century. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the increase has been seen as a difference from, â€Å"7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011†(p. 4). Many questions arise concerning why the numbers are on the rise, especially when boys are 7.6 percent more likely than girls to receive the diagnosis of ADHD. When should the line be drawn between a disorder, and hyperactivity that comes withRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1552 Words  | 7 PagesATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Seth was a second grader at West Elementary. He constantly got reprimanded by his teachers for not paying attention in class. He could not understand the information given to him during the school day. He thought he was stupid and useless. But he was not. His parents got him tested by a doctor for ADHD. He is one of many kids in the United States who have been recognized as having it. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a major issue in the educationRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay700 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects almost 10% of American children between 13 and 18 years old, as well as 4% of U.S. adults over 18. Only a licensed mental health professional can provide an ADHD diagnosis, after a thorough evaluation. ADHD has three primary characteristics: Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Inattentive: Are effortlessly distracted, fail to catch details, are forgetful, and regularly switch activities. Find it difficult to focus
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Policy Analysis Paper Health Policies - 2048 Words
Health Policy Analysis Paper Mindy Potter Loma Linda University Health Policy NGRD 653_ 41113 Shirley Bristol May 7, 2016 Health Policy Analysis Paper Introduction and definition of the issue/problem statement. In 1965, there was a histrionic change in the method that mental health care was delivered in the United States. The focus went from State Mental Hospitals to outpatient settings for the treatment of mental health issues. With the passing of Medicaid, States were encouraged to move patients out of the hospital setting (Pan, 2013). This process failed miserably due to under funding and understaffing for the amout of patients that were released from the State Mental Hospitals. This resulted in patients, as well as their families, who were in dire need of mental health services. This population turned to either incarceration (jails and/or prisons) or emergency departments as a primary source of care for their loved ones. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act invoked a $75 millon dollar demonstration project known as the Medicad Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration that was amended in section 2707 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The change seemed to be just what the nation needed, however, there was fine print added to the amendment that changed the interpretation. The fine print stated, patients who are on Medicaid from the ages of 21-65 seeking inpatient mental health care can receive treatment under the law. However, the inpatient facility will receive noShow MoreRelatedHealth Policy Analysis Paper : Healthcare2073 Words  | 9 PagesHealth Policy Analysis Paper Introduction: The face of healthcare has been changing over the last decade. The role of nurse practitioners has become ever more important. This paper conducts a policy analysis as a systematic investigation of alternative policy options, for the emerging nationalized healthcare plan and the increased use of nurse practitioners. It looks at the goals of nationalized healthcare s use of nurse practitioners and discusses to what extent this policy meets these goalsRead MoreMoving Canadian Governmental Policies Beyond A Focus On Individual Lifestyle Essay981 Words  | 4 Pagesorder for health promotion to achieve its goal, programs that promote and support change have to be implemented before individual health issues arise. The individual based treatment and lifestyle programs that are predominant in Canada often do not contribute to social change and have limited societal effect. The paper by Alvaro entitled â€Å"Moving Canadian governmental policies beyond a focus on individual lifestyle: some insights from complexity and critical theories†argues that Canadian health policyRead MoreUniversal Health Care: Do Time and Place Matter? Essay878 Words  | 4 Pages Universal health care models are currently adopted by many countries worldwide. Although a superficial look at these systems may show many similarities, a detailed analysis shows differences in their philosophies, standards of care, delivery models, and recipients’ expectations. This paper takes a closer look at the universal health care models in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Japan in comparison to the American system. Gold standards of health care services Gold standards ofRead MoreResults. Main Regression Results. A Key Part Of Their Findings1385 Words  | 6 Pageswhich primary price resulted in the spending reductions, they conducted another regression analysis (Appendix 3). This finding ultimately explains why the well-off, sickest quartile of employees reduce their spending the greatest, which leads the authors to a plausible conclusion that perhaps the impact of a high cost-sharing may be too â€Å"blunt†and complex – i.e., an inadvertently counterproductive policy instrument to control for the rise of expenditures. Through their regression results, theyRead MoreSocial Policies : A Policy s Success Or Failures1286 Words  | 6 Pages There are different approaches and methods used to evaluate social policies. Social policies can be evaluated for many reasons including: tracking a policy’s progression or tracing a policy’s successes or failures. There is limited research concerning any significant differences in how social policies are evaluated in terms of method, compared to other policies such health or public policy. Yet the approach to designing of a particularly can subjective during an evaluation in terms of what exactlyRead MoreEssay on Hcs/455 Policy Process Part Ii742 Words  | 3 PagesPolicy Process Part II HCS/455 The Policy Process: Part II In this paper we will discuss the final stages of how a topic becomes a policy. The paper will discuss formulation, implementation, and the legislation stage. These stages must be done in this order to ensure the policy is being formed the correct way and not scattered around. This paper will also consist of the evaluation stage, analysis stage, and revision stage and describe the purpose and methodologies process for evaluating andRead MorePolicy Process Essay1342 Words  | 6 PagesPart II: The Policy Process Melissa Paciello Health Care Policy: The Past and the Future/HCS 455 April 11, 2011 Bette Sorrento Part II: The Policy Process Part I of the policy process involves, the formulation phase, the evaluation or legislation phase, and the implementation phase. The formulation phase is the stage where the all the information, ideas, concepts, and researches from various people, organizations, and interest groups are taken. The legislation or evaluation process is definedRead MoreCanadian Agency For Drugs And Technologies1451 Words  | 6 PagesCanadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Introduction The purpose of this paper is to introduce a health-related organization that we are not familiar with and investigate the organization. For this paper, the organization that will be investigated will be the Canadian Agency of Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH). The following sections will discuss what the organization is about, its mission and mandate, how the organization is structured, funding, and why does the organizationRead MoreCanadian Agency Of Drugs And Technologies1510 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to introduce a health-related organization that we were not familiar with and to investigate the organization. For this paper, the organization that will be investigated will be the Canadian Agency of Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH). The following sections will discuss what the organization is about, its mission and mandate, how the organization is structured, how are they funded, and why does the organization exist and do the work that they accomplishRead MoreCase Study : Policy Analysis And Advocacy1013 Words  | 5 Pagesand I worked together on our group project titled, Policy Analysis and Advocacy. The purpose of the group project was not only to allow students, the instructors as well, to investigate and develop superior awareness of health policies political and societal influences. Additionally, this project strived to provide students with an opportunity to analyze such political and societal influences on the implementation and succe ssfulness of health policies (HP) and then untimely, the impact of HP on America
Barbara buyer memo Free Essays
I was told about the details of your situation. I am aware that you want to bring a lawsuit against Sam salesperson and the seller. I have done some research and gathered the following information for you. We will write a custom essay sample on Barbara buyer memo or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ethical issues involved in your situation include violation of full disclosure, unfair practices, and breech of contract. Sam Salesperson failed to disclose to the seller that you requested an extension of the earnest money payment, and did not tell you this. Sam Salesperson Intentionally let time lapse to void your contract in order to accept a higher offer. There are several causes of action in your case. You may bring action against the seller and Sam Salesperson based on a breach of contract. Because you had an agreement with the seller. There was a lack of communication between the salesperson and seller. There are grounds for fraud here based on Sam Salesperson not Intending to let the timeline for the earnest payment lapse. You also have grounds for negligent misrepresentation based on a breach of fiduciary duty to you. You may request that the judge rescind the purchase contract as you had a contract with salesperson and seller before the higher offer was discovered. You had a contract agreement with the leer to purchase real estate which was breached when the seller accepted the higher offer. You also had a contract with the salesperson which was breached when you failed to pay the earnest money by the deadline. Even though Sam salesperson failed to notify the seller of your request for extension you are the one who breached the contract since there was never a stipulation extending the time for you to pay. A contract is created at law when there is a mutual exchange of promises upon reasonably understandable terms and conditions. A contract does not have to be reduced to writing in order to be enforceable†(ass) http://www. Us. Deed/counsel/ brief/contractions. HTML Remedies: You may request damages which would be measured by the difference in the price stated in your contract to buy the re al estate and the price of the higher price it was sold for. Rescission and restitution in order to cancel the contract with the subsequent buyer and pay restitution as punitive damages for time lost. Elements of a contract: Offer, acceptance, and consideration. The breach of contract is when one party Involved failed to fully or adequately perform the duty the contract provided. RE-28-1 101 . Dunes to Client A. A licensee owes a fiduciary duty to the client and shall protect and promote the client’s Interests. The licensee shall also deal fairly with all other parties to a transaction. Barbara buyer memo By fruitychick2000 the earnest money payment, and did not tell you this. Sam Salesperson intentionally are grounds for fraud here based on Sam Salesperson not intending to let the the Judge rescind the purchase contract as you had a contract with salesperson and involved failed to fully or adequately perform the duty the contract provided. RE-28-1101. Dunes to Client client’s interests. The licensee shall also deal fairly with all other parties to a How to cite Barbara buyer memo, Papers
Salmonella Typhi free essay sample
Limiting the function of Salmonella With an estimate of more than 30 million cases of annually resulting in almost 250 million deaths, the World Health Organization identified that typhoid fever is indeed serious health problem worldwide. Typhoid fever on patrol Transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated food or water, Typhoid is a common worldwide illness due to the fast multiplication of its culprit, the bacterium called Salmonella typhi,.These bacteria invade the small intestine, rule the bloodstream and eventually merge with the white blood cells in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in United States, about 400 cases occur each year, and 75% of these are acquired while traveling internationally. Therefore, they concluded that Typhoid fever is rampant in the developing world, where it affects about 21. 5 million persons each year. Persons with typhoid fever usually have a sustained fever as high as 39Â ° to 40Â ° C. We will write a custom essay sample on Salmonella Typhi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They may also feel weak, or have stomach pains, headache, or loss of appetite. In some cases, patients have a rash of flat, rose-colored spots. But the most alarming truth behind this infection is that even if your symptoms seem to go away, you may still be carrying the bacteria and if so, the illness could return, or you could pass the disease to other people. Subtitle (Info’s for local cases of typhoid fever) Sanitation and hygiene are the critical measures that can be taken to prevent typhoid.It can only spread in environment where human feces or urine are able to come into contact with food from human to human. Careful food preparation and washing of hands are crucial to preventing typhoid. Boil it, cook it, peel it Sanitation and hygiene are the critical measures that can be taken to prevent typhoid. It is advisable that if you drink water, buy it bottled or else, bring it to a rolling boil for a minute. Eating foods that have been thoroughly cooked and that are still hot and steaming can also lessen than ossibility of such bacteria. On the same side, when having raw fruit or vegetables, it is a need to peel it before consuming to remove the outer part which absorbed most of the dirt coming from the environment. Wake Up! Since the dawn of time, typhoid has been a predicament for people of various races. It is surprising, but watching what you eat and drink when you travel is as important as being vaccinated. Juan should avoid his habit of tuhog-tuhog in the sidewalk vendors, or else, he should also forget the risks of Salmonella.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
An Empirical Comparison of Computer Programming
Question: Discuss about the Report for An Empirical Comparison of Computer Programming. Answer: C++ It is considered to be the compiled and the case sensitive approach which is free form the programming language. It is able to handle the combination of the higher level and the lower level language features. (Sharma et a., 2015). It comprises of the encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance and the polymorphism where there have been building blocks which includes the different variables, data types with the literals. This includes using the writing device drivers with the software that set on direct manipulations of the hardware with the teaching and research. This includes the class, methods, objects and instance variables with the states and behaviours. This has been properly defined as a template with the describing of the objects with the proper typing support. The methods have been based on behaviour with the objects that include set of instance variables. The characters have been based on three character with single character and sequence. Java The object oriented programming which includes the C and the C++ where the Java has been compiled with the distributed over the web and interpreted by the Virtual Machine with the platform. The Java is designed which includes the mastering of the secured features which enables the developing virus free, tamper-free system. (Eaves, 2016). The authentication techniques with the public key encryption with the architecture neutral generates on architecture based formation with the compiled code execution based on the different processors. With the portable architectural neutral implementation dependent aspects and robust with the multithreaded feature along with construct interactive application. The higher performance with the higher Just-In Time compilers where Java has been able to handle the accessing to the objects. Python Python has been considered and interpreted to the runtime process which includes the proper handling of the interactive system. (Zhu et al., 2016). This is for the object oriented programming language which encapsulates the code which have been in the object. The support and the development is based on the wider range of the applications to process the different browsers. It is seen that Python is completed easy to learn, read and maintain the system standard library. The interactive modes have been based on holding the debugging of the snippets for the code. The Python has been based on the running of a wider variety of the hardware platforms. Perl This has been for the use of the Practical Extraction and the Report Language where there have been a proper system development, web and the networking programming. (Prechelt et al., 2000). It includes the projects that are for the private and the public sectors that have been able to handle and work on the mark-up languages along with supporting of the Unicode system. The support is based on the procedural and the oriented programming. The set up can be easily embedded into the other system. Reference Prechelt, L. (2000). An empirical comparison of C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx and Tcl.IEEE Computer,33(10), 23-29. Zhu, X., Whitehead, E. J., Sadowski, C., Song, Q. (2015). An analysis of programming language statement frequency in C, C++, and Java source code.Software: Practice and Experience,45(11), 1479-1495. Sharma, S., Sharma, C. S., Tyagi, V. (2015, January). Plagiarism detection tool Parikshak. InCommunication, Information Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 1-7). IEEE. Eaves, H. L. (2016). Evaluating and Improving the Efficiency of Software and Algorithms for Sequence Data Analysis.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Being Prepared free essay sample
When my scouting colleague Charlie and I looked at our haphazard structure, a sapling tied to the ground with sticks and leaves piled on top we smiled. It looked suitable to shelter two people, until the weather changed. When the heavens opened up and torrents of rain came lashing down, any semblance of â€Å"waterproofing†quickly failed. In the early morning hours, thunder and lightning arrived, forcing us to retreat from our rapidly deteriorating structure to canvas tents in camp. On future hiking and backpacking trips, back up plans, redundancies, and learning to adapt quickly became priorities. Learning to adapt is not merely something that pertains to being ready for any situation in the backcountry. Personal growth and adaptation is an indispensable skill on the road of life. My Eagle project involved obtaining materials and services from my local government, learning how to work within these institutions is not a skill mastered in the classroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Being Prepared or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the path to completing my project, trying to establish meaningful communication with my town’s bureaucracy was a challenge in and of itself. My email’s outbox had probably ten times more emails sent out than would ever appear in my inbox. Many town agencies’ phones go straight to voicemail, where town employees listening to the messages must have come to know me well but neglected to ever call back. The temptation to throw up my hands and say â€Å"to hell with it†was present but a part of me knew the larger goal at hand demanded some attitude adjustment. Patience and understanding that I was not the only person who needed help in the town was humbling. I spent part of my scouting career as a headstrong individual with some uncompromising views. In middle school I rejected the religious upbringing I had been brought up with and was convinced the only correct take on the world is that the universe was a cold, random, godless one. Despite how these convictions are in juxtaposition to the Boy Scout’s religious overtones, I still came to our weekly meeting in the United Methodist Church’s basement. My continual exposure to religious individuals in my Troop and the great works they do to help others helped soften my view. I was not by any means â€Å"a better person†because I rejected God. I toned down as a result ofbeing in contact with a broad, diverse circle of individuals who I am glad I didn’t reject. I adapted to have the best relations possible with those around me. Expanding the scope of my view on the world while learning skills on how to adapt and plan for it makes who I am a substantially better individual. I need to understand my world more carefully through experience. With an expanded world view, I realize I must further my experiences and encounters with others in order to prepare and adapt for life’s challenges.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essays - RTT, Free Essays, Term Papers
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essays - RTT, Free Essays, Term Papers Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Teen's Worst Nightmare Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases that can be spread by sexual contact. Some can also be transmitted by non-sexual ways, but these make up a minority of the total number of cases. An estimated ten to twelve million Americans have sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases in the United States affect both sexes, all races, and every economic stature. STD's come from different sources. Some are epidemic like gonorrhea, infections of the urethra, genital herpes, and genital warts. Some diseases are caused by a bacterium such as Chlamydia, and others are from protozoan or yeast. Many of these infections are transmitted largely by sexual contact with an infected person. The practice of anal and oral sex also lead to cases of anal and oral infections. Gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydial infections can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her infant, either in the uterus or during birth. Sexually transmitted diseases are very hard to control. So me public officials attribute the increase in many of these diseases to increasing sexual activity. Others say the replacement of the condom with birth control pills and diaphragms might also increase the risk of STD's. Many STD's are transmitted more efficiently from men to women than the reverse, perhaps because the vagina serves as a reservoir that prolongs exposure to infectious secretion (Handsfield 2) The physical examination of patients with STD or at risk is a simple procedure. All patients require inspection of the entire skin surface. At a minimum they carefully inspect all skin surfaces that are uncovered or exposed during genital examination. This includes the face, head, hands, lower arms, lower trunk, pubic area, thighs, mouth and throat. Also checked in men are the genitals and the pubic and inguinal regions, the penis, urethra, urethral bulb, and the scrotum are checked for tenderness and other abnormalities. For homosexually active men, the anus and perineum are carefully inspected. The examination of women includes inspection of the pubis area, the external genitals, perineum and anus, speculum examination of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, and a bimanual pelvic examination (Handsfield 4). A way to avoid STD's and unwanted pregnancies is to use a condom. A condom is a sheath worn over the penis during oral, anal, and vaginal sexual contact (Virginia Tech Health Services). Condoms can be made of latex rubber or animal membrane. Animal membrane condoms prevent pregnancy but have large enough pores for tiny HIV viruses to pass through. Latex condoms are much better in forming a barrier against HIV. Polyurethane condoms haven't been fully tested, so people should avoid using them. Do not use novelty condoms like the ones that glow in the dark, these are not FDA approved. Always check the expiration date. Never use a condom after the date stamped on the wrapper or on the seal. Do not use a condom that has been in a wallet for more than a month. Heat and pressure can damage it. Also, stay away from oil-based lubricants, like Vaseline, which can eat through the latex. And finally, do not open the packet with scissors or your teeth, the condom could rip. Nudge the condom away from the edge and gently tear the packet open. Next to abstinence, which is having no sexual relations at all, condoms are the best protection against STD's. When a condom is used correctly, they are about 90 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, and 95 percent effective when used with spermicide. Spermicide, also called Nonoxynol 9, has been found to be effective in killing the HIV virus in laboratory experiments when used at 5 percent strength. Spermicide immobilizes and kills sperm. It comes in jellies, creams, foams, suppositories, film, and as a coating on condoms. STD's can also be avoided by remaining monogamous. This means only having sex with one person whom only has sex with you. If you know that you are clean of all STD's and that your partner is also clean, then you both can avoid STD's by only being with each other. Chlamydia is a STD caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The bacterium is found in infected body fluids from the penis or vagina and
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Attitudes toward Economic Globilsation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Attitudes toward Economic Globilsation - Essay Example This increased level of globalization has necessarily meant that cultures and individuals that otherwise might not integrate with one another have come to the in closer contact and sharing a great many more similarities than they have any previous time within recorded human history. Further, globalization has created a litany of different opportunities and challenges for businesses; some of which have proven to either lift the company to a renewed level of success or serve to be its downfall. As such, it is the hope of this author that through such the discussion and appreciable view of the way in which current levels of globalization have formed international business into the entities that they are today will be useful with respect to understanding these dynamics. Finally, the paper will provide an overview of the way in which this has impacted the world over the past several decades.  Although there exist many definitions for the process of globalization, one of the most complete is describing it as a system whereby relations, social – political – and business, our extended throughout the world. As such, this is a term which impacts an array of different subject matters. These include but are not limited to economics, marketing, finance, accounting, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, rhetoric, and an array of different subjects. Ultimately this process has had a profound impact on the way in which the most powerful economic powers in the world have developed.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Marketing Principles and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Marketing Principles and Practice - Essay Example The company satisfies customers and gives back to the community and the environment. Also, Starbucks persists to be profitable and it is expected to do well at least in the near future. They live by a strict, slow growth policy completely dominating a market before setting its sights further abroad. This strategy has gained them the advantage of being one of the fastest growing companies in the country amidst rivals trying to compete in the market. The strategy for Starbucks is formulated based on the visions of Shultz which aims to reinforce the caring, philanthropic image of the corporation show concern for its employees and society. These values today make Starbucks a leading organization in the country. Starbucks’ core identity is the business that it does i.e. Selling Coffee. It is basically known for its fine blended premium coffee and coffee related products. This image is actually discouraging for non-coffee drinkers since they would not go to Starbucks. However by developing new and exciting products, it aims to diversify its product range to juices and other edibles to widen its customer base. The company was started by three Seattle entrepreneurs in 1971 selling of whole bean coffee in one Seattle store. A marketer, Howard Schultz, was hired to be the manager of retail and marketing who brought new ideas to the owners, but was turned down. Schultz in turn opened his own coffee bar in 1986 based on Italian coffee cafes, selling brewed Starbucks coffee. By 1987, Schultz had expanded to three coffee bars and bought Starbucks from the original owners for $4 million. His intention for the company was to grow slowly with a very solid foundation. He wanted to create a top-quality management team which he did by buying off top executives from other well-known corporations. The company suffered losses for the first two years, but Schultz stood his ground and did not surrender his long term integrity and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Importance of Statistical Research in Medicine
Importance of Statistical Research in Medicine The Nepal Journal of Epidemiology is the first journal of its kind in Nepal. Our main objective in pioneering this journal is to attempt to provide a common platform for all researchers, particularly those doing epidemiological studies on prevailing public health problems in the community. We wish to make this journal one that follows standard criteria of scientific article writing with sound technical knowhow. We have introduced several initiatives to improve the quality, reporting, and transparency of research in general, and randomised trials in particular, by emphasising the importance of protocols. We offer to review protocols to improve trial quality and reduce publication bias. We consider submissions of randomised trials only if registered and accompanied by a protocol, which is sent with the manuscript to peer reviewers. All who use, receive, or pay for health-care interventions depend on guidance from reliable research findings and will want reassurance that medical researc h is credible. Essentially, Nepals research output is still small. More collaboration and partnerships between countries in different regions of Asia and externally must be fostered. Lack of investment in research should also be addressed by nations that are capable of investing more. Research in Nepal can and should flourish over the next decade. A brief review through almost any recently published medical journal will show that statistical methods play an increasingly important role in modern medical research. Many research papers quote at least one p-value to communicate their results while some present the results and the statistical analysis of medical data in relatively sophisticated and complex sets1-8. After extensive study of the available literature and from the personal experience in this domain, I would like to venture a few recommendations for the improvement of various aspects in medical research and its application. I believe that this brief discussion will be of great value to all professionals involved in medical research and its application. Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability, mused William Osler. Medical journals are a confluence of medicine, science and journalism-and are expected to have the values of all three. The science that underpins medicine is presented in journals, and most journals can point to landmark studies that changed medicine. Medical journals differ from scientific journals in that they are mainly read, not by scientists, but by practicing doctors. Medical journals will continue to be the main vehicle of scientific information for years to come, particularly where access to computer and internet facilities are relatively limited. Currently, the output-and rewards-of research are based almost entirely on published papers in scientific journals. Scientists in low-income and middle-income settings want an opportunity to analyze data for their populations according to their own priorities. They want to be in the frontlines of national and global conversations about their countr ys experiences. Evidence-based medicine provides several ways to quantify and communicate uncertainty, but does so from a probabilistic rather than a human perspective. We can divide Evidence based medicine/clinical epidemiology into two major methodological themes: statistical and implementation. The use and analysis of large trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, evidence hierarchies, cost-effectiveness analyses, and number needed to treat would come under the statistical while the improved access to evidence through literature searching, library and critical appraisal tools, guideline development, risk framing, etc. would be implementation. Researchers welcome clinical uncertainty as a source of knowledge gaps, whose answers will be meaningful to clinicians and patients. Clinical epidemiology bridges clinical practice and public health. Policies notwithstanding, despite suggestions to detect and eliminate research misconduct, training in research ethics, standards and responsible conduct is often minimal or absent in academia. The quality of medical journals depends on several factors involving three groups of people: namely the authors, the reviewers and the editors. Deciding who should be listed as an author is not simple, and too often the decision is made on the basis of power. The powerful are included, even when they have done nothing, and the weak are excluded, even though they have done most of the work. This unethical behaviour can become a major problem if the study proves to be fraudulent, as has happened many times. Sometimes journals receive coverage in the media that makes them squirm, particularly when they are exposed as having published research that is fraudulent. I worry that journals are being polluted by misconduct and that editors are not responding adequately. Scientific reading will enhance the quality of scientific writing. Critical reading and thinking will provide a relevant, interesting, feasible, ethical and novel research hypothesis. The author or researcher planning on a research study and publication should search in Medline, PubMed and other search engines for relevant reviews and literature of similar studies in world and national scenario. These studies must be examined for strengths and weaknesses, and the researcher must apply required modifications for new knowledge. It will help the author tremendously in the writing of the introduction, discussion and conclusion part of the manuscript. Before starting data collection, the researcher should decide upon the study design, target population, sample size and sampling method, inclusion exclusion criteria, study period, study variable, outcome measures and units of measurement, definition of all the terms and variables and their classification. After careful consideration, the methodology of data collection and the method of data analysis, including the computer packages and statistical methods, should be chosen. The instruments or questionnaire used to measure the variables should be described correctly and if others have developed them, referenced properly. A researcher should be well aware of the concepts of different types of data and variables, two types of errors (type I and type II errors), calculation of sample size, significance level, confidence interval, testing of hypothesis and power of the test1-11. Once these criteria are followed, the authors should allot paragraphs for each one of them in the material and methods part of the manuscript, thereby increasing the quality of the study. This meticulous planning and execution will be useful to new researchers in this area. The editorial management is a crucial part of the publishing process. The editors begin action with the receipt of the manuscript by directing the various steps of evaluation, correction and re-submission, until an editorial decision is taken to accept the paper as is, accept it after modification or reject it if it is unacceptable. They then make necessary text and layout editing. Due consideration is given to the statistical, multilingual and ethical aspects as well as to the overall uniformity of the terminology, nomenclature and style throughout the volume as a whole. Experts review plays a pivotal role on maintaining the quality of a medical journal. A reviewer is required to address a number of important aspects of the paper and to make recommendation concerning the acceptability of the paper. Findings of good research deserve to be presented well, and a good presentation is as much a part of the research as the painstaking collection and analysis of the data. Critical appraisal of 150 articles published in a reputed medical journal in Nepal reveals that in more than 70% articles experienced biostatisticians were not involved or substantially contributed (not co authored), more than 65% studies sample size calculation were wrong and 80% of the article with inadequate statistical details and wrong statistical tests. Critical reviewers of the biomedical literature have consistently found that more than half of the published articles (including scientific articles, published even in the best journals) that used statistical methods contained unacceptable errors 1-11. The term statistics here in this context, has a wider meaning and includes the methodology of research, study design, or epidemiological methodology etc 1-8. The major applications of biostatistics started in the middle of the 17th century in the analysis of vital statistics. After the early developments in vital statistics, the field of genetics was the next area that benefited most from the new statistical ideas emerging in the works of Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Francis Galton (1822-1910), Karl Pearson (1857-1936), and Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962). Now, the fields of application and areas of concern of biostatistics include evidence based medicine, bioassays, public health, health service research, nutrition, environmental health, demography, epidemiology, surveys of human populations, community diagnosis, bio-mathematical modelling, clinical trials, brain imaging, genomics and proteomics. Computer-based statistical packages have not yet been given expertise to decide the correct method although they sometimes generate a warning message when the data are not adequate. The user of the package decides the method9. The real solution to poor statistical reporting will come when authors learn more about the statistical methods in research design and when statisticians are able to convey the importance of the methods used in the study to authors, editors, and readers; when researchers begin to involve statisticians from the beginning of research, not at its end; when manuscript editors begin to understand and to apply statistical reporting and editing guidelines; when the journals are able to screen the articles containing statistical analyses more carefully; and when readers learn more about how to interpret statistics and begin to expect and demand, adequate statistical reporting7. A researcher should never hesitate to ask for professional assistance from a biostatistician to plan the study or experiment. There may be valuable research going on in developing and financially less-privileged countries, but it usually does not reach international visibility, in spite of a large number of scientific journals in these countries. Such journals are not only invisible but by perpetuating a vicious circle of inadequacy, may be directly damaging to the local science and research culture. Journals should prevent this by constructing an editorial board including qualified editors from developed and developing countries in the editorial board. I recommend biostatisticians to join as editors and reviewers in order to help formulate journal policy, audit the quality of statistics in published papers, help produce statistical guidelines or checklists for authors, educate editors, provide explanatory statistical comments on published papers, and write expository articles about statistical matters in journals.
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